Michael Wiens is a local author of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. His 17 years of research on the Ruby throated Hummingbird has formed a comprehensive guidebook to attracting hummingbirds. With the lack of information on these birds in the Northern regions of their breeding range, Michael Wiens has put together a complete book that answers nearly every question you may have about these Hummingbirds. Whether you need to know the types of flowers these birds prefer, the types of hummingbird feeders to use, or just why hummingbirds do what they do, Michael Wiens will answer these questions in great detail in Canada's Hummingbird Guidebook - "JEWEL OF THE NORTH".
Jewel of the North - Author: Michael Wiens
A Canadian Guide book to attracting the Ruby Throated Hummingbird - Canada's most widespread hummingbird.