Humming Blog |
Humming Blog |
![]() The past few days were really hot after a couple thunderstorms fed the flowers. After the intense winds swept disaster to our yard a few weeks back, you'd never know it by the Delphiniums flowers which are now standing tall and straight as arrows. I always love our garden from June 15 to August 15. As some perennials finish flowering, other types will begin, and it progresses right through the prime hummingbird season. I wanted to show you our gardens, and how they're starting to shape up. When you first enter our yard you'll see a mass of trees, shrubs and perennials of all sorts, but throughout the garden we actually have many trails 42 inches wide, and in some areas even wider. What you see is about 1/2 of an acre of a portion of our property. Trails aren't visible from here, but you can see a new bridge that goes over our frog pond, and next you'll see the trails. Through the low growing Junipers is one trail that leads to a patio area at the garden shed. Next is the starting point into our garden. At the front corner is our bird fountain, and where Ziggy bathes. This trail also takes you to the garden shed patio. This trail continues to wind in and around the garden shed where there are loads of Delphiniums, Maltese Cross, and other perennials that attract hummingbirds. The trail has many points that lead to other areas of the garden. Last year we started working on garden stools and benches that would be situated throughout the garden. It gives many opportunities to sit among the hummingbirds and snap photos. Here is one area that is being all redone. A narrow trail with stepping stones will be all cleaned up in a bark trail that leads up to a sitting area. This area will be filled with Bergenias, Hostas, Magic Fountain Delphiniums and Siberian Irises. From Spring to late summer this area will have some sort of tall blooming perennials that get the attention of hummingbirds. One thing I always love are Coniferous trees. They always remind me of the mountains. After any rainfall, that fragrance of pine fills the air. This trail leads directly through the middle of our garden. We have a mix of at least three types of Pine, some Spruce, and low growing varieties. With a good mix of trees and shrubs we have countless birds nesting in our yard every year. We provide birdseed, hummingbird nectar, and at least five different water sources for birds to drink and bathe. Finally, I wanted to show the best sitting location in the yard. It overlooks most of the garden while sitting in the cool shade. From this location I'm able to see a good portion of the entire garden. I can see the hummingbirds feeding from the flowers and feeders, and oftentimes catch them rising up from the garden and fighting in the sky. Well that's it for now. That was a portion of our garden and I hope you've enjoyed it. Now I think I'll just go and sit under that large Maple tree and enjoy the rest of the day.
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October 2024